REDo2 ended up being worth 152 points in the Reverse Engineering category in TAMU CTF 2022!

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Step 1: I much rather read Pseudo-C

I can read assembly and have in the past when my disassemblers have lost track of what is happening or if I am in gdb, but I’ve been spoiled by Binary Ninja and Ghidra so why not just assemble the code 👀

If you run

gcc -g -m32 -c redo2.s -o redo2

The assembler throws a bunch of error messages because the gnu assembler GAS expected At&t Syntax, so we switch it to intel by adding the .intel_syntax noprefix line at the top of the file!

Compiling and running it through Binary Ninja, we get:

void* const var_4 = __return_addr
int32_t* var_10 = &arg1
int32_t eax_1
if (arg1 != 2)
    eax_1 = 1
    void* var_14_1 = nullptr
    while (true)
        if (var_14_1 s> 0x1c)
            char* eax_7 = malloc(0x1d)
            for (void* var_18_1 = nullptr; var_18_1 s<= 0x1c; var_18_1 = var_18_1 + 1)
                *(eax_7 + var_18_1) = *(var_18_1 + *(arg2 + 4))
                *(eax_7 + var_18_1) = *(eax_7 + var_18_1) - 0x31
            if (*eax_7 != eax_7[2])
                eax_1 = 1
            else if (eax_7[1] != 0x38)
                eax_1 = 1
            else if (*eax_7 != 0x36)
                eax_1 = 1
            else if (eax_7[3] != 0x34)
                eax_1 = 1
            else if (sx.d(eax_7[0x1c]) != sx.d(eax_7[5]) + 2)
                eax_1 = 1
            else if (eax_7[5] != 0x4a)
                eax_1 = 1
            else if (eax_7[4] != 0x3c)
                eax_1 = 1
                int32_t var_1c_1 = 0
                while (true)
                    if (var_1c_1 s> 2)
                        int32_t var_20_1 = 0
                        while (true)
                            if (var_20_1 s> 3)
                                int32_t var_24_1 = 0
                                while (true)
                                    if (var_24_1 s> 4)
                                        if (sx.d(eax_7[0x15]) != sx.d(eax_7[0xf]) + 1)
                                            eax_1 = 1
                                        else if (eax_7[9] != eax_7[0xe])
                                            eax_1 = 1
                                        else if (eax_7[9] != eax_7[0x14])
                                            eax_1 = 1
                                        else if (eax_7[9] != eax_7[0x16])
                                            eax_1 = 1
                                        else if (eax_7[9] != 0x2e)
                                            eax_1 = 1
                                        else if (eax_7[0x1b] != 1)
                                            eax_1 = 1
                                        else if (eax_7[0x1a] != 2)
                                            eax_1 = 1
                                        else if (eax_7[0x17] != 3)
                                            eax_1 = 1
                                        else if (eax_7[0x18] == 4)
                                            eax_1 = sx.d(eax_7[0x19])
                                            eax_1 = 1
                                    if (eax_7[var_24_1 + 0xf] != 0x32)
                                        eax_1 = 1
                                    var_24_1 = var_24_1 + 1
                            if (eax_7[var_20_1 + 0xa] != 0x31)
                                eax_1 = 1
                            var_20_1 = var_20_1 + 1
                    if (eax_7[var_1c_1 + 6] != 0x30)
                        eax_1 = 1
                    var_1c_1 = var_1c_1 + 1
        if (*(var_14_1 + *(arg2 + 4)) == 0)
            eax_1 = 1
        var_14_1 = var_14_1 + 1
return eax_1

Let’s start with this for loop that gives 2 significant things away, the size of our buffer is 0x1c, and every character is shifted down by 0x31. At the time I had 0 clue what the *(eax_7 + var_18_1) = *(var_18_1 + *(arg2 + 4)) line is all about, but it didn’t seem to be relevant.

for (void* var_18_1 = nullptr; var_18_1 s<= 0x1c; var_18_1 = var_18_1 + 1)
    *(eax_7 + var_18_1) = *(var_18_1 + *(arg2 + 4))
    *(eax_7 + var_18_1) = *(eax_7 + var_18_1) - 0x31

Now, it’s clear that EAX_7 is our flag buffer, so I Command-F != and replaced it with = and then copied all of the conditions to a python file and made the index being checked equal to the value being checked against.

flag = [0]*39

flag[0x1] = 0x38
flag[0x0] = 0x36
flag[0x3] = 0x34
flag[0x5] = 0x4a
flag[0x2] = flag[0]

flag[28] = flag[0x5] + 2
flag[0x4] = 0x3c
flag[0x15] = flag[0xf] + 1
flag[9] = 0x2e
flag[0xe] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x14] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x16] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x1b] = 1
flag[0x1a] = 2
flag[0x17] = 3
flag[0x18] = 4 # Tricky
flag[0x19] = 0 # Tricky

0x19 is tricky because it’s actually set as the return status, assuming the return status is supposed to be 0 (pretty sure the assembler might have done this). Also, I had to move the order of 0xe, 0x14, and 0x16 around after 0x09 was defined.

Now the only thing is the while loops which are translated to python, look like this:

for o in range(0, 3):
   for k in range(0,4):
     for j in range(0,5):
       flag[j + 0xf] = 0x32
     flag[k + 0xa] = 0x31
   flag[o + 0x6] = 0x30

So all together along with our shift by 0x31, the looks like this:

flag = [0]*39

flag[0x1] = 0x38
flag[0x0] = 0x36
flag[0x3] = 0x34
flag[0x5] = 0x4a
flag[0x2] = flag[0]

flag[28] = flag[0x5] + 2
flag[0x4] = 0x3c

for o in range(0, 3):
   for k in range(0,4):
     for j in range(0,5):
       flag[j + 0xf] = 0x32
     flag[k + 0xa] = 0x31
   flag[o + 0x6] = 0x30

flag[0x15] = flag[0xf] + 1
flag[9] = 0x2e
flag[0xe] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x14] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x16] = flag[0x9]
flag[0x1b] = 1
flag[0x1a] = 2
flag[0x17] = 3
flag[0x18] = 4 # Tricky
flag[0x19] = 0 # Tricky

# Decode

for i in range(0, 39):
  # flag[i] += i
  flag[i] += 0x31

print(''.join(list(map(lambda x: chr(x), flag))))

After running the solver, it looks like the flag was shorter than the buffer, but we can ignore the 1’s in the end and submit the gigem{aaa_bbbb_ccccc_d_45132}.

╭─alex at Howl in ⌁/Fold/TAMU22/redo2
╰─λ python3
╭─alex at Howl in ⌁/Fold/TAMU22/redo2