Writeup: Omega Stonks

Omega Stonks was a 50 point misc challenge in UIU-CTF 2020! Challenge Plan of attack You can type !work in the chat with IsabelleBot to earn stonks + it’s late at night, and I need to get 8 hours of sleep = automate sending !work to IsabelleBot. In High School I used to make costume controllers for our robotics team using Arduino Boards (essentially they would mimic a keyboard), so for nostalgia’s sake (and because I didn’t want to look into making a Discord bot), I grabbed my old friend DigiSpark (with an ATTINY85) and started automating!
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Writeup: Quote of the Day

QotD ended up being worth 490 points in the Reverse Engineering category in HackPack CTF 2020. From here, you get a binary to investigate as the client. When you run it, you get 2 options to play around with: e (to echo something back) and q (to get a quote). Reverse Engineering The challenge hints about a backdoor in the client, let’s throw the client binary into a disassembler of our choice and take a look!
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Writeup: REdo 2

REDo2 ended up being worth 152 points in the Reverse Engineering category in TAMU CTF 2022! Step 1: I much rather read Pseudo-C I can read assembly and have in the past when my disassemblers have lost track of what is happening or if I am in gdb, but I’ve been spoiled by Binary Ninja and Ghidra so why not just assemble the code 👀 If you run gcc -g -m32 -c redo2.
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